Universalisation of Women Helpline – 181 is a toll-free telephone service 24*7 hours a day across the state to provide under one roof information and emergency help to women in distress and violence…
In case of emergency, the calls are transferred to the police and service is provided.
Calls related to domestic violence cases are being transferred to Taluk Protection Officers and served.
Counseling calls are being transferred to Sakhi and Santhvan Kendras and provided needed services
Calls seeking temporary shelter are being transferred to Swadhara Homes and provided with necessary help.
Calls related to child marriage are being transferred to Child Marriage Prohibition Officers and provided with necessary services.
To whom / eligible ?
To whom
For Women
Submission of Application
How to apply
Offline (Contact the office for Application Form)
Documents To Be Submitted
For more information, contact the nearest office of the Department of Women and Child Welfare Development