Stall rent/ infrastructure, electricity charges, publicity expenses,
freight charges, back up services, administrative expenses etc.
Rs. 1.50 lakh for meeting the expenses in registering the
designs/products. • Rs.1.50 lakh to impart training to personnel of
IA and for effective enforcement of G.I. registration. • Financial
assistance will be provided for organizing seminars, workshops
etc., on merit of the proposal.
Export promotion – Maximum of Rs. 30.00 lakh for venue cost,
administrative expenses, stall decoration/ maintenance, publicity,
cost of catalogues, translation and interpreter charges and any
other component approved by the DC (HL).
Travel grant for
foreign visitors would be on actual basis or Rs. 50,000/-,
whichever is less per participant.
Financial support for establishing urban haats
To whom / eligible ?
To whom?
Clusters/agencies such as
cooperative societies, PCs,
producer groups, SHG, JLG,
federations etc