Short term loan of Rs. 10000/- (Rs. 8000 loan and Rs. 2000/- subsidy) people affected by COVID-19 to start small businesses like street vending, footpath tea/coffee selling, vegetables selling, flower selling, fruits selling etc.
Subsidy of Rs. 2000/-
To whom / eligible ?
Person belongs to religious minority
Religious minority
Permanent resident of state
Family annual income should not exceed Rs. 81000/- in rural and Rs. 1.03 lakh in urban areas
Applicant family members should not be in state or central government jobs
Aged between 25 – 50 years
Applicant family members should not be in state or central government jobs
Applicant or his/her family should not be recipient of any schemes under government or corporation
Submission of Application
How to apply
Documents to be submitted
Caste and Income certificate
Identity card
Ration card
Applicant age should be between 18 to 50 years
District Executive Office, Karnataka Minority Development Corporation