For all post pregnancy mothers and all infants treated and discharged as inpatients
With 402 types of surgeries identified as required for ailments, a hospital network of 130 super-speciality hospitals has been constructed in the state to provide these treatments.
The cost of treatment and care will be borne by the government.
All tests, treatments, medicines, meals and travel will be free from diagnosis to curing the disease.
Free treatment for every BPL family.
An additional amount of Rs.50,000/- will be given after verification in cases where a higher amount is required.
To whom / eligible ?
To whom?
For citizens covered with BPL and APL cards
This amount is credited to 5 members of the family.
Submission of Application
How to apply
Doctors of the nearest health center or Arogya Mitra can be contacted
Documents to be submitted
BPL and APL card
Doctors of the nearest health center or Arogya Mitra can be contacted